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Chapter 3: The Legend Fulfilled

The party ran up the flights of stairs and ran out to the now open gate.

"Who opened the gate?" Delita was puzzled. He didn't believe in magick, yet it was occurring right before his eyes, all his possible assailants that knew his whereabouts were with him at his side.

"Delita Hyral," a dark clad ruffian shouted, "we are ordered to kill you on sight, prepare to die! Anyone else who is with him dies as well!"

"You think a threat like that is going to frighten me, you malicious mongrel, my sword will drink your blood this night!" Delita roared Death Sword drawn.

Swords were drawn and the battle cry was sounded. There were 15 soldiers altogether, making each warrior outnumbered by two. Agrias had the luck of being surrounded by four of them.

Agrias quickly pointed her sword to the sky, "Strike the ground and those upon it with fear, Thunder Sword!" And with that, a huge series of electric sword strikes seemed to come up from the ground and fell each dark knight about her. But to her horror, each knight that lay dead slouched up and had a red glare in their eyes.

"They're not dying?!" Delita said through several sword thrusts to a knight's abdomen.

Amla speculated, "These knights aren't even human at all, they are the undead. Everyone with a stone, bear it out, now!"

With that everyone who had a stone took it in their hands, then Amla chanted out, "Evil with a human mask, reveal yourself Revenants of the past."

Immediately a holy light flashed across the field, nearly knocking every dark knight over, but what truly happened made Delita a true believer in the Zodiac...

All the Black knights' armor melted away revealing them to be translucent beings known only as Revenants or evil spirits.

Delita tried to slash at his assailants, but now they were untouchable and were throwing electrical charges at him.

Suddenly, Amla stepped in front of Delita and touched the ghost with the stone, which just as suddenly phased out the ghost and glowed a strange crystal blue hue.

"What did you do? Why is that stone glowing?"

Amla smiled, then turned to the rest of the group, confusing Delita even more.

"No time for questions, everyone, quickly raise your stones to the sky and repeat what I say!"

Holy stone, keeper of the power,

I shall guard you with my heart,

Destroy the evil and death sower,

And you shall reveal your part.

Immediately the stones each glowed with rainbow colored hues and a blue flame surrounded each creature and burnt them to oblivion. Leaving nothing but the warriors alone.

"Why were the stones glowing, what power did they have?" Delita was in shock at what he just saw.

Azmar explained, "these are 5 of the 13 Zodiac Stones, apparently they came to us in our time of need."

Amla stated, "The need was great enough, so each of the stones transformed into the Zodiac Stones, each representing a member of the Zodiac Braves. You shall know if you are a true Zodiac Brave if the stone in your hand glows and contains a symbol of the Zodiac."

Delita, still doubtful asked, "What does it mean to be a Zodiac Brave? And you say there are 13, I thought there were only 12...Plus with the exception of driving away the dead, what else are these rocks good for anyway?"

Agrias was quick to answer his first question, "You've never heard of the legend of the Zodiac Braves who defeated the great demon/angel and protected our land? Those who saved this land were an obscure band of men and women who came from different eras and places to defeat the lucavi....if you're a Zodiac Brave you must fight in the Zodiac War."

Reis followed up, "The legend also said that a dark and vile man who humbled himself for his friends and trusted in those he cared for would become the 13th Zodiac Brave."

"But we only have five of the do we know who the braves are? And what about the other 8 Zodiac Stones?"

"Delita, stop asking so many stupid questions....," Azmar snapped, startling him, "if you haven't noticed we already found five of the Braves as well as the stones."

“As if you could ever pull rank on me…” Delita slightly sneered, so no one would notice. The last anyone had ever treated him like a commoner was…

"Azmar's right, the stones reacted as soon as we used them, so with the exception of yourself and Gildenstern, we five are braves." Beowulf spoke with a mystical finality.

"So what Brave are you Beowulf?" Delita asked sarcastically.

Amla answered his question patiently, "Beowulf is Taurus, Azmar is Leo, Agrias is Libra, Reis is Sagittarius, and I myself am Virgo..."

"So what am I, dumb-arsius?" Delita quipped, feeling left out.

"Sire, I hardly think this is a time for jokes, we have to eliminate this threat to Ivalice." Gildenstern said scoldingly.

"Very well....sigh...we will go find the remaining stones and put the church back in its place."

That night sleeping in a monk's quarters, Delita had a lot to think about before he fell asleep. "It's been so long since I've been treated like a commoner, I feel so different, yet I feel liberated, as if the guilt that led me to the throne has dissipated. Apparently what my knights say is true, much to my discovery. So they are in fact, Zodiac Braves, but what makes me suspicious is that they are simply dragging me along some false expedition for a pile of stones that glow in the dark for all I know. But when they spoke of what sign each represented I got to thinking about Ramza....he once said he was a Leo, I wonder if Azmar knew of him at all.”

“No, that's foolish, from the looks of it, Azmar really considered Ramza a heretic even after what the Villagers said of him.”

“The last time I ever saw Ramza, we fought side by side at the top of a church steeple in Bervenia. I shook hands with the only man I ever truly trusted that day. Yet for some reason I feel I can trust all the men and women in my company right now, even more than I could trust my own sword. Blast. More than that, I feel like, as much as I’ve never cared to admit, that I can trust Azmar with my own life. My life, which I’ve never trusted to anyone, in his hands like. . . . . . . .Ramza.”

“I--I feel sorry for him being scarred all over his face. He must be truly ashamed of his face. But someday I wish to look upon that face and say that he truly is a man of brave stature, and I will do everything in my power to keep him alive, we shall protect ourselves. Zodiac Brave or Former Black Knight and King, I will owe my life and my sword to Azmar, and if he fights in this Zodiac War, I shall fight with him.”

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