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Chapter 32: Scars Healed

The couple embraced and became a large aura of blue light. Afterward the giant lion face of griever appeared in front of Seifer. He held out his hand, and the mighty GF disappeared within his body.

The party stared in amazement along with Laguna as to the events that just happened. Not only did they find out Squall and Rinoa were halves of a GF, but that Seifer was a Zodiac Brave. There were now 11 Braves and a Paladin.

"Well....what the hell are we standing around here for, let's get to fighting and finding the other Braves!!!" Seifer yelled.

Zidane was the first to speak, "Shut the hell up! You loudmouth!"

Delita and Ramza sighed in unison as the two got into a shouting match, deafening most of the lab. Cloud and Sephiroth had a really long laugh at the two, while all four girls were trying to pull them apart.

The next day they boarded the Ragnarok to find the next Time Gate. Being the only qualified pilots, Selphie and Irvine took the helm.

"So you guys are off to save the world, I wanna go tooooo!" Selphie whined.

"Sorry, Sephie, but only braves can do the time jump." Irvine said.

"I'll be sure to come back and bug you guys," Seifer grinned.

Irvine growled in response.

Laguna walked up to the bridge to see how the braves were doing. But surprisingly, only the pilots and Seifer were there.

Another surprise, Seifer spoke to Laguna.

"....Hmph......your son wants to talk to you.."

Laguna blinked, "Come again?"

"I said he wants to talk to I'll communicate it to you."

Seifer touched Laguna's shoulder and a flash of images flooded Laguna's mind, something he never thought he'd see in his lifetime. Then two images.



"We......wanted to thank you for your help in organizing the protection of Esthar....and...." Rinoa nudged Squall.

"Erm......I....forgive you.......for leaving.........Sis and me...."

"Thank you Squall." Laguna wanted to talk to his son and fill all the gaps of his life where he wasn't there.

Suddenly an image of Squall as a little boy flashed in Laguna's mind.

"Don't cry, daddy, everything's gonna be okay."


Every pore of Laguna wanted to embrace his son, he could almost feel the little shirt wet with tears of joy. The little arms wrapped around his neck. His boy's head resting on his shoulder, all Laguna could do was cry.

Then another image, the little boy turned into a man, with a leather jacket with feather lining, black gloves and brown bangs, Laguna knew so well.

He looked into the face of his son, who for the first time since he had ever known him..


The two images of Squall and Rinoa returned, Squall once again had a blank face chiseled on, but the eyes were different, kind now, not hard.

"We'll come back to you, don't worry."

"I know, I won't." Laguna smiled, "I believe in you."

The images faded and Laguna was again standing facing Seifer, unaware of what just happened, took his hand off Laguna's shoulder.

"I hope what he had to say was important, I'm not a telephone service."

"Believe was." Laguna could barely hold back a smile.

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