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Chapter 40: Hidden Truths, Dark Pasts, Old Wounds

"Who are you?!" Sephiroth said.

"The question is, who are you?"

"What?" Sephiroth readied his Masamune blade.

"A simple question, isn't it? Yet it hides so many answers. You don't know who your parents are, well, at least you're not sure who they are."

"What are you saying?"

"Do you want to know the truth? Why Cloud hated you when you first met? Why all the apprehension between you and the other Braves? Why no one has given you a straight answer as to who you are? Why you are who you are? I could answer them, but, one more question, would you believe it?"

"I....know that voice;'t me."

"Oh, but it is. I'm you, and you are me, except; you lost something along the way, they took you out of your time before you could find out the truth. The truth about who you are and what you could become, you have so much more potential than they do."

"Whatever it is.....I don't trust you."

A figure stepped within Sephiroth's view, but was obscured in shadow. It continued to speak.

"You have a great journey to make, you and I; do you know of Jenova?"

"....the...Project father used to work on......but, what does that have to do with me?"

"You're wrong you know, you never really did have a father...or a"

"WHAT?" Sephiroth was shocked but still calm.

"Search your know I speak the truth."

This, more than anything else, chilled Sephiroth to the bone; he wasn't human? He was created out of Jenova cells? Was he mad? But all these thoughts turned to nothing as the figured stepped out of the shadows to reveal.....himself?

Identical, except the other had blood scars across his entire body, and a maniacal grin across his face.

"We could go to the Promised Land, you and I, together again! We could become a god!"

Sephiroth's eyes widened at the thought.....

Then narrowed.

"You're insane! You were the one Cloud was talking about! You're me! But I could never be as cruel as you! I may not be human, but neither is Zidane, or Aeris! And they're all my friends........and......I'm a Zodiac Brave."

Sephiroth produced the stone they had given him, and it glowed a deep shining silver.

"Suit yourself..." The evil Sephiroth grinned, and drew a familiar blood-stained sword.

Putting the stone away Sephiroth gripped the Masamune tightly.

This was NOT going to be an easy battle.

"So, you think you're a Queen eh? You're not even in the royal bloodlines!"

"How dare you speak that way to me!"

"The truth hurts, especially when you find out you're nothing more than a child of the summoner tribe in Madain Sairi, a simple child, not even worth a thief's time."

"Those....those are lies! They can't be true!"

"Think about it; why would I lie? Figure it out! How would I know the truth unless..."

"'re me?" A horrified expression crossed Garnet's face.

"That's right.....Sarah....I've known since the day we drifted along on that ship with mother; speaking of which, you never even bothered to look for her. All she did was set you on the royal doorstep and let you get adopted by the true Queen, with your little horn and all. Maybe there's a little hate in that heart of yours eh?"

"...n-no, I would never hate my real mother....she-she did the best she could for me!"

"Even if you believe that, it still doesn't explain why you haven't gone looking for your true past, especially if you knew about it the whole time. Plus, you've been so fickle with Zidane, I doubt there's any Love for him either!"

"No! I love Zidane, and nothing....not even my....self...could tell me otherwise!"

"Hmmm.....then if that's true why haven't you acted on it? What do you think if Alexandria had it's local resident thief for a King and a lowly summoner for its Queen? Sounds hilarious doesn't it? Or, should I say....humiliating?"

"Show yourself you monster! Show me who you really are!"

A feminine figure stepped out of the shadows....staff and all.

It was Garnet's.....twin?

"You seemed shocked, I'd think you'd recognize a handsome guy like me?"

"You'" Seifer growled.

"Oh, I'm not am I? You seem to forget who you are, I thought you were the famous Sorceress Knight under the legendary Ultimecia? On top of that you were this close from getting it from her. At least, until you lost, then they killed her, that weakling Squall you seem to believe is your only rival. On top of that you let him steal your dream: YOURS! You're an idiot! I don't care how strong you claim to be, you're a total jackass!"

"That's not my dream, anymore!" he yelled at the evil twin before him.

The dark Seifer grinned and lightly tapped his Hyperion on his shoulder.

"So what is your dream, fighting monsters till you drop? Or being a GF slave? 50% of Griever should have been you, now you lost out on all that power, just because of a bonehead move on your part."

"Just for that snide comment of yours....," Seifer grinned evilly, "I'm giving you a scar from both me AND Squall...a nice BIG X on your forehead should look good on you."

"You can try....but I doubt it!"

And the gunblades clashed.

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