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"Where did you go sire? And what of Altima? Is she defeated?"

"Yes, you could say that. I sealed her up in the Life Crystal at the beginning of time."

"What of the other braves?"

"They're alive. Just somewhere else right now."

"I don't understand."

"Look around you, Gildenstern, see my castle?"

Looking back the crew watched in shock as the massive ruins of the castle just seemed to fade away.

"Time is changing…we altered it…they just came back to where they were."

"So that means, you're not a king anymore…right?"

"Yes, but I never wanted to be king in the first place…"

"I still am confused…"

"Just take me to the time gate in Alexandria."

"Yes, sire--er, Delita.."

The ship's crew had a lot of shocks along the way toward Alexandria, the most noticeable was the fact that the land was not scarred by blood or cannon fire. It was as if the Earth never saw a war ever before.

"I guess we did restore earth," Delita said thoughtfully.

The crew was in for an even bigger shocker; the broken ruins of Alexandria were now restored to their former glory, even the castle was completely restored.

Marching up to the time gate, the crew followed Delita anxiously, wondering what he was doing.

As they reached the platform where he would transport through time, he spoke.

"Now, I have to leave for a while…I'll be back though…it's…only a matter of time."

Standing in the middle of the platform, Delita raised his sword Legacy and plunged it into the anvil, thinking only of his friends.

"Please be there waiting for me, Ramza, Alma, Teta, Cloud, Sephiroth, Reis, Beowulf, Aeris, Agrias, Seifer, Zidane, Garnet."

In a flash of gold light he was gone, and leaving a completely confused group of Airship crew members.

Delita woke up in the ancient forest as he had with his friends so long ago, and took off full sprint for Cosmo Canyon.

"Please be there…my friends…we promised if any of us got…separated, we'd come back to the candle…"

Practically out of breath by the time he got there, he knelt down on the front steps to the canyon.

"Hey, what took you so long?" said a familiar voice.

"..huff….Ramza? Is that….phew…you?" Delita said with a hoping smile.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for you, we can't start the party without you!"

Taking a short jog up to the 'Cosmo Candle' Delita finally got to sit and chat with his old friends.

And sit with Alma, who now gently nestled herself in his arms.

He looked about in quiet appreciation of his friends, but noticed something different about them, that time had changed them, and yet…they were still his friends, and that they all came back here…

He noticed Teta, now fully alive, and playing with Ramza's devil-may-care hair.

He noticed that Agrias and Sephiroth were sitting together, and Agrias was in a full dress! While Sephiroth had his arm around her.

Cloud looked directly at Delita and said, "Wanna come to our wedding?"

"What?" Delita said, shocked.

It was Aeris who shyly showed Delita her new ring, with her White materia embedded in it surrounded by a ring of diamonds.

"Well, sure!" was all he could say. And the whole group laughed.

The next thing he noticed was that Zidane and Garnet were both wearing crowns, like a king and queen. Zidane just laughed it off, while Garnet elbowed him playfully.

Beowulf and Reis were silently staring at Delita, but this time Reis was in her dress which she found at Esthar while Beowulf was in plain clothes.

Then he looked at Seifer who shook his head and crossed his arms, "Don't look at me! I'm not into that mushy stuff! Look at yourself, you're the weird one!"

Looking down at Alma, for the first time he noticed that her eyes were full of total love for him. She looked up at him and gave him a brief kiss and said, "You are kinda weird, but you're my angel."

"Angel? How'd you know?" Delita said, surprised.

"Well isn't it obvious?" she said smiling.

Looking over his shoulder he noticed that his gold wings had come back and that he was now glowing from head to foot in Heavenly Glow.

"Well, I guess…now you know…" he said, blushing.

"It really explains a lot, you know, but it’s not like you needed to keep it from us, you did know yourself." Alma teased.

“I wonder why I forgot my past?”

“More than likely it was erased for good reason.” Alma poked his nose playfully.

"Precisely, that's why he had you do it." Said a familiar voice.

Looking behind him, he saw Nanaki perched on a semi-tall rock, about to lecture again as he always did.

"When it was given me the power to foresee into the future, I was also given the power to hear God. He knew Altima would try to overthrow him and that she would fall, but he knew that you would never abandon him. He's kinda proud of you, you know. Oh, and he says you can stay on Earth for as long as you want."

"Well, isn't that nice?" Alma said, "Now you can stay with us."

"Yeah, but…for how long? I mean…I'm eternal…right?"

"We don't know that part." Nanaki had an odd expression on his face.

“Hmm.” Delita wondered the implications of what he could and could not do.

After a moment of silence, it was Cid who spoke up, "If yer the ones who saved all time, than by all means, have fun, Nanaki forgot to mention this, but the Almighty spoke to him concerning your generations and asked that you--um--," Cid was having trouble finding the words.

"I think we catch what you mean of course...if that's what this world needs, another band of light warriors, just in case evil should rise again." Ramza smirked at Teta.

"We…for the most part…aren't going to live forever, then..." Delita concluded, "That part's obvious, so I guess we pass on what we know to our kids."

"Oh no! Not me!" Seifer stood up, almost indignant, "I'm not gonna be a parent no sir!"

A beautiful woman peeked out of a nearby tent with a sly smirk that seemed familiar, "Oh is that so? Come here! Seifie!"

"Eep!!" Seifer yelled and ran, the woman chasing him, "Come back here! You womanizing gunblade freak!"

The whole group of friends laughed aloud at this quaint little scene. And couldn't help but stare at the stars of a new, free sky.

"So what do we do now?" Alma said quietly to Delita.

"We're the masters of time aren't we? We have all the time in the world."

Grabbing Alma up in his arms, he opened his wings, and ran forward at high speed off the red cliffs of Cosmo Canyon. Soaring high in the sky on his new set of wings, the two of them enjoyed the cool breeze of the night.

The End

The Warrior Strength Balance Resilience Courage Beauty Judgement Chivalry Grace Generousity Sincerity Love

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