The Rocky Path


Casting lonely thoughts far away,

The Quiet man marches on.

He thinks of the trees in the wind that sway,

Down that rocky pathed way to home.


Dreams and Memories come his way,

As he walks down cement and stone.

The ones in his heart he keeps in stay,

Thinking of that rocky pathed way to home.


He thinks of his father, kind and shy

Though wisdom he engraved on his mind like stone.

The honest face, the hard worked arms twain.

Stepping down that rocky pathed way to home.


His mind drifts to his mother, sincere and dear

Her heart stronger than any man he'd known.

The tender grace, the gentle loving face,

Reminding him o' that rocky pathed way to home.


"I'll come back though, I'll return someday."

Thought he as he walked on,

"Never a day I'll forget them, soon I'll return again."

Coming back down that rocky pathed way to home.


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