Prism Duel:


Based on the notion of Rock, Paper, Scissors, combined with Othello. Before a match the player can wager a certain amount of Crystals (that's the currency) and/or items to match or top the opponent's wager. Each player has 5 prisms to place on a stone tablet (the table). There are 8 kinds of prisms (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Thunder, Light, Shadow) and they can be collected either to play Prism Duel or to upgrade Skills and Spells. The idea of the game is to trump an opponent's prisms by using them against him. Elements either flow with or against each other (some tables can block flows from certain angles, enhance certain elements, etc.), those that don't flow will be disabled into the element put down.


Before a match begins you and your opponent get to choose 4 dominant elements on the board for your "hand". This determines what elements you can claim as yours when they are one can pick the same element. Tables are 3x3 in size. Players have 5 prisms each, limited to the elements they picked. If a player can disable an element on the board, that element becomes the dominant element he put down. You win when one of your four elements becomes dominant on the board when all the Gates are filled with prisms. Element Prisms can disable 3, 5, or 8 Prisms.  Note that when choosing your Prisms you must choose at least two of one particular element for your "hand", Omni and Chaos are the only exceptions to this.


Here is the list of elements and their counter elements:


Earth- Flows with: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Light, Shadow

Disables: Water, Ice, Wind


Fire- Flows with: Earth, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light

Disables: Water, Ice, Shadow


Wind- Flows with: Earth, Water, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Light, Shadow

Disables: Fire


Water- Flows with: Wind, Ice, Light, Shadow

Disables: Earth, Fire, Lightning


Ice- Flows with: Earth, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Light, Shadow

Disables: Fire, Water


Lightning- Flows with: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Lightning, Light

Disables: Shadow


Light- Flows with: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Lightning, Light

Disables: Shadow


Shadow- Flows with: Shadow

Disables: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Lightning, Light


Elements can disable either Horizontally or Vertically depending on the Table used.


Elements that flow can 'block' prisms from disabling other elements.


If 2 or more prisms of the same element are on the table, it is considered 'Dominant.'


Your opponent cannot have the same element prisms you do in his 5 prism 'hand'.


Rarely, tables will have 'element' Gates that are predominantly an element, this does not affect yours or your opponents elements in any way, however, if you or your opponent place a prism of the same element in that space, it will not be able to be disabled, accruing a 'block'.


Conversely if you place an element that would normally be disabled by that element predominately in that Gate, it can very easily be disabled to any other element on the board except its own.


Depending on your location, certain rules will be in place.


Draws occur only when exactly 4 prisms of the same element fill the board for each player and either the player or opponent cannot place an additional prism of the same element on the board as the one currently dominant.


Random Element (you have 4 dominant elements picked randomly for you).


Element Disabled (certain elements will be disabled from the match).


Sudden Death (you duel till a victor is called.)  In Sudden Death Matches, the elements the player/opponent chose will be randomly switched.


Element Grid (table spaces are predominantly a certain element).


Reverse Element: those elements who would normally flow with a certain element now disable it. And those elements that would be disabled by it would flow with it.


Backfire Element: (rare rule) if an element prism is placed down that would normally be disabled by any one of the connecting prisms surrounding it, this normally accrues a "Block", instead it will be Disabled automatically.


Flow Combo: (rare rule) If you have certain elements in your hand that "flow naturally" if they are placed in connection to each other, they have the additional power to disable more elements than they normally would.


Example:  Fire and an opponent's Wind Prism are placed on the board (note, the Wind Prism was on the board first), normally, Fire cannot disable Wind, accruing a Block, but if the player puts down a Earth Prism that connects to the Fire Prism, the Earth Prism's Energy will flow through the Fire Prism, affectively disabling the Wind Prism into an Earth Prism.  This is called a Flow Combo.  Since Earth can flow through Fire, it allows for you to be offensive in a defensive situation.  However, you cannot use an opponent's Prisms to Flow Combo, since, in this case, Fire and Wind flow even though they are the player's and opponent's Prisms respectively.


In summary: if an element prism is placed on the table that flows with a connecting element, nothing happens, and the elements flow. If however, the element already placed on the table before the second prism can be disabled by the second prism, the first prism becomes the same element as that of the second prism. The only exception to this is the Element Grid rule: if the element of the first prism is placed in a Gate of its own element type, it cannot be disabled.


Rare exceptions: If, for instance, a Lightning Prism is placed down in connection with a Water Prism


Lightning Prism (just placed down)-----connected to Water Prism (already placed down).


nothing will happen except that the element will Flow, However, if the rule Backfire Element is in place, the Lightning Prism placed down will become a Water Prism, helping the opponent to win!!


Special Note!!! In rare battles, Omni and Chaos Prisms can be found...these are ultra-rare items that have the two following effects....


Omni when placed down next to any element (determined by the player if more than one is connected on the table), will automatically be transformed into that element or an element of the player's choice, useful in games as a defensive strategy...(note: as a rule, an Omni Prism cannot be put down as the first prism on a table).


Chaos when placed down next to any element (determined by the player if more than one element is on the table), will automatically disable any surrounding elements to the element of the player's liking...useful for offensive tactics... (note: as a rule, a Chaos Prism cannot be put down as the first prism on a table).


Design Specifications for the Prisms


Earth--contained in the Prism is a Titan-like elf in stasis, if placed down near an opposing element, Landslide and Earthquake effects occur to that element. Colored transparent Brown.


Fire--contained in the Prism is a Fiery female elf being with deep red eyes and flames surrounding her. If placed down near an opposing element, a flaring inferno will occur to that element. Colored transparent Red.


Wind--contained in the Prism is a semi-transparent female elf in a raging tornado. If placed down near an opposing element, a wisping wind will tear across that element. Colored a transparent light gray.


Water--contained in the Prism is a floating Mermaid elf with her arms crossed, bubbles floating about in a contained tempest. If placed down near an opposing element, a great wave will sweep across the opposing prism. Colored Transparent Deep Sea Blue.


Ice--contained in the Prism is an albino female elf with piercing dark blue eyes and white body, she will be naked but details will be blurred due to frost on the prism. If placed down near an opposing element, the element will be flash-frozen into another Ice Prism. Colored Transparent Snow White.


Lightning--contained in the Prism is a female elf with Black eyes and made solely out of Lightning, glowing and sparking throughout the Prism. If placed down near an opposing element, the element will be sparked and thunder will strike in currents. Color will be black in the background with the white thunder of the elf's body illuminating the Prism.


Light--contained in the Prism is a female angelic elf locked in prayer, light filling the Prism giving it a soft white glow (that's the color). If placed down near an opposing element, the element will disappear in a flash of brilliant light (note this light effect should slightly stun the player in visuality...heh...for light's sake...).


Shadow--contained in the Prism is a cloaked skeletal being with a scythe with black wings (placed in a transparent black background with gray mist swirling around him). If placed down near an opposing element, a shadow will cross the whole field, eclipsing the element, then turning it into a Shadow Prism. The shadow should be deep and pitch black.


Omni--contained in the Prism is an image of the Mimeblade in full regailia, when it morphs into the chosen element, it will produce a golden flash of light on the board.


Chaos--contained in the Prism is a dark image of the fully transformed Chaos Blade, when it attacks the field's prisms you'll see a crack on the prisms (like they got chipped at) before a black thunder surrounds them and flaring them (as you would do to disrupt a prism's element) into the element you chose.