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Chapter 8: Where the Dark Runs Deepest

“So where do we go now? The way’s blocked…” Urd put her hands on her hips. The group had been walking around the forest following snowflies like there was no tomorrow, and now here they were stuck behind a thick wall of tree trunks.

“We could try and cut it down…,” Andomiel suggested, “It’d be a lot quicker than trying to climb over them.”

“No, I don’t think that would work…you see, I read somewhere that this is a special forest, designed solely by magic, that means if you cut this tree down, another tree just as large and thicker will grow in its place, and very quickly at that.” Tempest warned.

“So I guess we have to go back the other way…,” Andomiel sighed, “But which way do we go, before we were following the snowflies. Now we’re just lost…,”

“Remember the note: it said, Should you get lost, we’ve been relying too heavily on the snowflies…”

Pharda spoke up, “If I remember right, mom once told me that moss always grows on the north side of trees…, we’re headed West right? So if we face north and keep making left turns, we should find our way out….,”

“I hope you’re right Pharda, because it’s going to be really dark in a few hours…,”

As they looked at the massive trees blocking their path, the moss grew on their opposite side, pointing north.

“That should take us where we need to go, if we get lost again, we can always follow the snowflies back to this spot.”

As they followed their now set path the sun began to slowly set off in the distance, it’s red heat seemed to glow through the thick wood like rivulets of fire. A stark contrast to white faerie specks that floated about them.

In a few moments they found themselves in a large clearing of white blades of grass.

“White grass?” Urd crouched down and plucked up a handful, “Grass is supposed to be green?”

Andomiel did the same, then put some up to his nose, “It’s been scorched…something burned here…,” On instinct the five braves drew their weapons. But all was silent.

To the north of the clearing a sudden thud was heard and a loud sound of trees being splintered.

Then another thud and crashing.


“Big ones…,” Came Pharda’s reply.

Another loud splintering and whatever was making all the noise smashed its way into the clearing. Snorted, bellowed, and stood on its haunches.

“What is that thing?” Fenris asked.

“A behemoth…worst kind of beast in a forest to run into…just our luck!!”

On to Chapter 9 >>>>

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