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Chapter 12: Chasing Inner Demons

It didn't take long for them to reach the coral-like place called the City of Ancients. Every time they got one level closer to the center of the city, Cloud seemed to get more and more depressed. Even Zidane tried to cheer him up, but he was still down.

None of the party really knew what caused him to look so sad, especially in such a beautiful place. Only Ramza had an inclination as to what happened to Cloud here...

"You lost someone here, didn't you, Cloud."

The city they came upon was crystalline in form and almost glowed with the coral decor. Deep at the heart of the city was a small central platform with a single ray of light glinting on it. Cloud walked up the little stump steps and stood at the lone platform arms motionless and quiet. He stepped onto the platform and fell to his knees, eyes closed...palms on the floor.

Was he.... crying? A single tear fell and platted against the smooth floor of the platform. He then drew his large Ultima Sword and planted the blade firmly into the center of the platform. Then with a loud, almost inhuman cry he screamed, echoing across the cavernous walls...


The rage and fury Ramza saw within Cloud chilled him to the bone. For the first time, he feared Cloud. A loud clank as Cloud smashed his fist into the floor. Then muffled sobs.

"Why...........Aeris?" Cloud seemed to ask the walls as if they would answer, "Why did he kill her? What had she done? Why can't I have her back?"

Everyone in the party was astonished as to what happened to Cloud...he never told them before now. But it was time for the truth to be heard. Cloud took a deep sigh and got slowly up back on his feet. As he walked toward his newly found comrades, he began his story.

"I would be lying to myself if I said I was feeling well, ever since that day five years ago, I haven't been able to sleep, not completely. The days just whither up to me; they dwindle and crawl to a halt. The joy of life isn't there anymore, Tifa, an old friend of mine always tries to make me feel better, but she knows she can't. The one joy of my life left me because of some damned blade named Masamune."

Tears began to spill uncontrollably from his eyes.

"I wish that when it impaled me and I threw the bastard who killed her into the reactor, it would've dragged me with it. At least then I would have never met her, heh-heh, but that damned stubborn fool didn't die then did he, in fact, I'm still not sure if he's dead now."

"Aeris.......................God--I wish I could've saved you."

The party was silent...for a long time Cloud sat motionless looking upon the platform. Delita, feelings pricked to the heart, cried a tear, not fully for Aeris, but realizing another Teta was going to be killed in the future. Then he walked up to Cloud and grasped his shoulder, a firm hard grasp, the kind one needs to be brought back into the present.

"Cloud.... we have a mission...remember?" Delita said quietly.

"Yes...let's go..." was Cloud's stiff reply.

In one of the side platforms they found what appeared to be some strange panel and a circular gate which seemed only to lead off the ledge and into the water. On the panel were three circular notches, each apparently with Zodiac engravements and a large panel with a sword slit. The three designated symbols were: Aquarius, Cancer, and Aries.

Ramza asked, "Alma, can you set the stones there and have Delita activate them."

Alma replied, rather puzzled, "I don't think I can tell which holy stone is which, they all look alike."

Garnet said, "Maybe Cloud can help, he might be a brave..."

Cloud stepped forward and was given the three stones. One of the three glowed a crimson, resembling a ruby in its brilliance. The symbol that appeared was Cancer, the Crab. He took this stone and placed it upon the middle notch.

"As far as to who the other two belong to, I'm not so sure...." Garnet said.

"I.... think I may know who it might have been...." Cloud said and submerged one of the stones in a nearby lake; the stone then glowed a deep sea blue, like moonlight being reflected off water.

"Aquarius.....she would have been Aquarius," he smiled softly.

He placed the second and third stones in their proper notches. "I wonder who Aries is?" he thought.

"Bugenhagen said we would find a time gate here... I wonder what time we'll be going to next?" Delita wondered.

"I don't think it will be us who will be traveling...," replied Alma, "I think that with the exception of Cloud, two people will be brought here...see the two platforms over on the ledge by the lake? It looks as though they will appear there..."

Delita drove his sword once again into the console. It activated and the two platforms began to glow. Almost like two bright angels two figures appeared.

When the light dissipated Cloud looked at the new visitors.

"Was it, what?! Is that Aeris?!"

A young woman in her early twenties dressed in a light pink dress and jacket with a small stave at her side stood for a moment, then collapsed, apparently exhausted.

Cloud looked slowly at the other platform. An image formed in his mind. Delita glanced at Cloud...his eyes dilated and his brow was furrowed to such a degree, he looked like his greatest nightmare had returned to haunt him.

His mouth opened with gritted teeth and spoke slowly under his breath. "................Sephiroth..........."

Both persons that had been transported utterly collapsed to the floors of each platform. Cloud was despondent when he saw the black dressed body and the silver hair. He hated that image; he loathed the long sword carried in the hilt. All he could think of was how to kill him. Delita shook him back to reality.

"Cloud, snap out of it!" Delita struck Cloud with a loud slap. "We have to get them back to Cosmo Canyon!"

"I can't--I can't do this again!!!!" Cloud ran away.

The party was completely unable to understand Cloud's actions, but the first and most important thing on their minds at this point was to get these two people back up to the surface as soon as possible.

Dealing with Cloud would have to wait.

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