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Chapter 24: A Problem and a Solution

As the two walked down the metallic street, they couldn't help but feel out of place in a world such as this one.

"I really can't wait to get back home," Delita pined.

"You sure about that? Archaic demons would probably hunt you down in the process, in fact, because these things are immortal, they may still be after us."

"I guess you're right, Ramza, but all the same, I still wish we could go home."

The winding roadways seemed odd and foreign to them, like they were aliens on some alternate planet. Another strange thing they noted, it seemed they were the only pedestrians out on the street. Everyone else was either riding the lifts, teleporting, or riding in a hovercraft of some sort.

"Now, I'm glad my home is in the past, because I wouldn't like the future anyway." Ramza spoke decidedly.

The two came across a strange building structure that seemed to be built straight out from the ground.

"Odd building, let's check it out." Delita urged.

When they entered, the place looked clean, almost as clean as some of the Chemist's labs they had been to back home. Then, the silence was broken when a bunch of lab technicians rushed into the door from another room.

Touching a series of panels, they opened up to reveal what appeared to be a massive laboratory. Ramza and Delita were in shock.

A tech boomed, "Code Luna, code Luna! We have an emergency!!!"

"Emergency? What emergency!?" Ramza asked.

The tech looked at him, not even regarding the fact he was trespassing, "The biggest lunar cry in history is preparing to fire on the main city of Esthar, get to cover now!!"

Delita and Ramza ran from the lab and down the street, uncertain what to do. Regardless they knew, somehow, that the Zodiac stones might be able to help.

They decided to run for the Palace and discuss the urgent matter with the President himself.

"You think you can destroy all the monsters on the moon?" he said, "It takes approximately one whole week for a lunar cry to launch and fire, we aren't even sure we could set up a barrier in time! But the biggest one you say? It's going to take a miracle!" President Loire said both on his telephone and to Ramza and Delita.

"I have an idea," Ramza said, "Delita and I will round up the Braves while you set up your barrier."

"We're going to have to get Rinoa and Squall here lightning fast then, only she knows how to cast a barrier that powerful."

"If I know what I'm talking about, this won't just be a barrier, this will be an anti-lunar cry!" Ramza speculated.

"I'm trusting you and your friends, Ramza," Laguna ran off in a rush, it wouldn't take long to pick up Squall and Rinoa, but as to setting up the barrier, he wasn't sure.

Ramza wasn't all that sure either, but he'd seen what these stones were capable of and was willing to help the city. Running up the stairs to the promenade of the hotel, they found Zidane and Garnet.

"Get the other Braves, hurry, we have an emergency!" Delita barked.

The other two ran off in separate directions, and by the time they assembled in the President's quarters, it felt as though too much time had already been lost.

"We have a big problem on our hands, and we need the Zodiac stones and one sorceress to solve them." Delita announced.

Alma asked, "What is it, are the archaic demons attacking?"

Ramza answered, "No, perhaps worse. The biggest lunar cry in the eras history is preparing to fire in a week and we need to protect the town and destroy those moon monsters."

"I see what you're getting at, Ramza, they said this sorceress is capable of casting a powerful barrier? But how are we going to turn that barrier into a weapon?" Alma questioned.

"We'll just have to hope this works, either way, we need to protect this city, so if all else fails, we exterminate every monster that falls to this planet." After Delita said this, they all agreed, hoping it wouldn't come to that.

It was then that Laguna ran up to them, with short breath, "We've sent a Ragnarok fleet to pick up Squall and Rinoa, they should be here within the hour..."

"That quick!? I'd think they'd be a while?" Delita was surprised at this modern technology.

"Our Ragnarok ships are capable of travel at fifty times the speed of sound, we're close to travelling at light speed too." Laguna replied.

"Now I know, I don't want to live in the future," Ramza muttered, "people move way too fast around here."

Alma asked Laguna, "What will we do till the moon prepares to fire?"

"Once we're certain the barrier is a go, we sit, wait, and watch. I have a spacestation that keeps tabs on the moon, this way we can view when the lunar cry will launch and how much time before it comes here. I just hope that perhaps you and your Braves are capable of supposedly destroying all the monsters on the moon."

Alma explained the situation, "All I know about the Zodiac stones, is that they function very similar to electrical charges, this is why we have to let the lunar cry hit the barrier Rinoa makes, so that we will be able to create a feedback loop aimed straight at the moon."

Laguna, thinking out loud said, "But how would you create a current without coming into contact with the barrier?"

"We're going to set up a boundary for each location that isn't covered by the barrier, that way we can stand on the border and use the stones." Ramza said.

"Very well then," Laguna said, "while you guys are fighting this thing, I will be monitoring how the moon fares inside the lunar lab. Good luck."

It was approximately 45 minutes later (even earlier than Laguna had said) when the Ragnarok ship flew in it's docking bay. The braves met the two newcomers and briefed them in on the situation.

"Another lunar cry!" Rinoa exclaimed, "but I thought we destroyed the monsters at the core source."

".........." Squall thought for a moment, "Maybe something else triggered this lunar cry....we need to assemble at the lunar lab for some observation, we may just find our answers there."

The newly assembled party went to the observation deck in the lab. There, a large screen being transmitted from the lunar base orbiting the moon depicted what was causing a rushing tidal force on the surface.

"We only received these images recently," a lab tech explained, "the black spots are creating focal points where multiple cries will be fired, we used the satellite's magnification and this is what we found. We're not sure what to make of it, but whatever these creatures are....they're replicating monsters at an incredible rate."

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